3 Tips For Effectively Packing Your Self-Storage Unit

There are a lot of different factors that you will need to keep in mind when packing your self-storage unit. For instance, you will want to take steps to prevent damage to your belongings and to ensure that you are able to locate the items you need when you need them. The three tips below can help you to accomplish these goals and ensure that your self-storage unit is packed as efficiently as possible.

Tip #1: Always Opt For Plastic Bins Instead Of Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes have a variety of issues when it comes to protecting items in your self-storage unit from damage. These boxes can be easily damaged by moisture, easily penetrated by pests, and easily broken by the weight stacked on top of them. The most effective way to avoid these problems when packing your self-storage units is to always use plastic storage bins rather than cardboard boxes.

Tip #2: Place Frequently Used Items Near The Front Of The Unit

Not all items that are stored in a self-storage unit are items that are used on a rare basis. For instance, many people store lawn equipment in these units because they simply do not have enough space to store them at home. In these situations, it is quite common for items to be taken out of storage and then put back into storage on a relatively frequent basis. If you have items that you plan to use frequently, you will want to place these items towards the front of your self-storage unit in order to make for easy removal. 

Tip #3: Leave An Aisle Of Empty Space On Each Side Of The Unit

Loading all of your excess items into a self-storage unit can be time-consuming and physically taxing. The last thing you are going to want to do is to remove a large portion of the items you have stored in your unit in order to get to a single item that is located near the rear of the unit. A good way to avoid this situation is to leave an aisle of empty space on each side of the unit. This will ensure that you have a clear path to the back of the unit if you need to retrieve a specific item. Just remember to make sure this path is not only wide enough for you but wide enough for you to fit through when carrying out the items you have stored in the back of the unit. While this may require you to get a larger storage unit than you originally planned, avoiding hours of physically intense work is certainly worth it. 

For more information, contact a self-storage unit company, such as Oak Storage.

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About Me

Placing a Collector Car in Storage Hello, my name is Hannah Freeman. Welcome to my website about utilizing storage facilities for your collector car. When I inherited my father’s collector car, I did not know how to properly store it to protect its value. With some help, I found out that storage facilities offer their units to collector car owners. I acquired a storage unit that would protect my father’s car from the elements and keep it in pristine condition over the years. I hope to use this site to help others realize the value of placing their car in a dedicated storage facility. Thank you.

